Monday, November 21, 2011

Procrastination, again (but specifically relating to Christmas)

Actually, the title here might be a little wee bit wrong, as I am NOT procrastinating! I am NOT late! (For once!) I still haven't called the AC guy about the wonky unit on the 2nd floor, and I am delaying asking my main client where my check is, but I've bought Christmas presents! Yes, indeedy, I have.  Let me tell you the secret to force yourself not to procrastinate with this...

Quit your job.  I am a consultant, and have no regular source of income.  I never really know in advance what I will have in the bank at any given time, so I (this year) bought while I had dough.  That's it! I was afraid if I waited, the money would have evaporated.  There is no such thing as too soon, right? I have a lovely pile of presents in my (otherwise undecorated) dining room.  No tree, no lights, and my husband just looking at me like I have a fever or have grown green warts on my ears.  But there are presents, all ready to be shipped! YEA!

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